Students experience many exciting changes during their junior high years. We work to instill strong values and develop character during this time. In addition to academics, students participate in fine arts, athletics, and community service. This atmosphere encourages spiritual, academic, social, and physical development during these pivotal years. We create an environment where students feel valued, loved, and accepted.
Independence & Accountability
As students grow, they are encouraged to develop personal responsibility through more rigorous academics and independent study. Teachers support students through this growth period by holding them accountable in a loving, grace-filled environment.
Athletics & Fine Arts
Junior high athletic teams compete in CSAC against other private schools in East Texas. LCS currently competes in cross country, soccer, volleyball, swim, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and track and field. We also offer several fine art electives including: theater, band, choir, shop and art.
Beginning with the junior high retreat each August and ending with the 8th grade class trip, our students have a variety of travel opportunities and field trips that are designed to enhance learning, strengthen their relationship with God and each other, and create exciting, alternative learning environments.