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Q. How long is the course?

A. It is a 5K course. You may run the entire 5K, or any portion of it. Completion of the course is only required if you hope to win.

Q. What time should I arrive?

A. Runners will need to arrive at least 45 minutes prior to the start of the race. If you are late, you possibly will not be allowed to check-in and therefore will not be able to participate.

Q. Is there a charge for parking?

A. No charge for parking.

Q. What should I bring?

  • A Valid ID with your birthday to check-in
  • Garbage bag to store your muddy clothes as they will be sopping!
  • A towel to dry off and protect your car seat on the way home
  • Change of clothes for after the outside rinse.
  • Closed-toe shoes in addition to fresh clothes if you plan to zip line.

Q: What should I bring if I am also zip-lining?

A. This year, zip-liners will have access to three different zip lines!  You must have closed-toe shoes to zip-line.  If you have long hair, it needs to be pulled back or up. This is optional after the run is over.  The cost is $30 (or $35 cash at the gate).  

Q. Is there a place to rinse off and change?

A. There will be a rinse station with the changing area available after you complete the course. Remember, this is a rinse station, not a shower. You will not need soap or a washcloth for our rinse station, as we need to keep it moving so everyone has an opportunity to rinse.

Q. Is there somewhere to store my belongings?

A. Yes. You may stow your belongings in a single bag at the pavilion.  Please have your bag clearly marked.  It can be a bag, tote, backpack, etc.  Only 1 bag per person. No coolers allowed. Don’t bring anything you don’t want to be covered in mud.  Small lockers (limited number) may be available for valuables only (no clothes or shoes). Check ahead of time for locker availability. If a locker is available, bring your own mini, or small lock.

We suggest that you leave all valuables at home. We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen, items!

Q. What do I get with my mud run registration fee?

A. In addition to the time of your life, your registration fee entitles you to a t-shirt and goodie bag, if registered by the deadline, and access to family fun events all day. We will also be serving lunch.

Q. Is there a minimum age limit to participate?

A. Yes.  Children 7-13 years, who are able to swim, may participate ONLY IF they have an adult running with them at all times. They must also be accompanied by an adult at all times while on the property.

The minimum age to participate without an adult running beside you is 14-years and up. They will still need an adult present on the property.

Anyone under the age of 18-years will need to have a parent or guardian accompany them at check-in the day of the event.

Q. Can I register at the door?

A. If we have space for additional runners, we may allow registrations at the door. It is highly encouraged to register online and in advance.

Q. What is the "Youth" division?

A. The "Youth" division is for children 7-13 years old, and who are able to swim. They may participate in the event only when accompanied by an adult runner, both on, and off, the course, at all times. Children may not be able to successfully complete some of the obstacles. There will be 1 male and 1 female winner from this division (see rules for more info). If no youth runners complete all obstacles, the award will go to the one that completed the most with the fastest time.

Q. What if I can’t complete a particular obstacle?

A. You may go around any obstacle that you feel you can't complete. All obstacles will be manageable. The more difficult obstacles will have varying degrees of difficulty to accommodate to different fitness levels.  Remember you must be able to swim or you MUST BYPASS the water obstacles completely!

Q. Do I have to know how to swim to do the water pit?

A. Yes. The water pit will vary according to weather and if you cannot swim you MUST BYPASS IT! Life Jackets (please bring your own if possible) are optional for swimmers age 16 & up. Youth 15-yrs & under MUST WEAR a life-jacket at all times. If you don’t feel comfortable you may always bypass any obstacles.

Q. I am not in the best of shape, can I still participate?

A. Absolutely. The event is for both competitive and non-competitive runners. We do recommend some light cardio a couple of times per week paired with some upper body strengthening to help you get up and over the obstacles. However, you’ll have the option to bypass any obstacle that you’re not comfortable tackling.

Q. I am pregnant or have a medical issue, can I still participate?

A. NO! We may know how to put on an awesome event, but our prenatal/medical knowledge is limited.

Q. Are pets allowed?

A. No. Animals are not allowed on the property with the exception of service dogs and prior permission.

Q. Where is the mud run located?

A. The Eagle Nation Family Fun Mud Run is held at Thomas Falls, Inc., located at 5543 US Hwy 259 North,  Diana, Texas.

Note: Do NOT PLUG the physical address into your GPS. Some GPS systems are sending drivers in the wrong direction!!

Driving Directions: If using a GPS, set it for intersection US 259 & FM 726 if traveling North toward Diana or intersection US 259 & FM 450 if traveling South.

We are located on the West side of the road. Enter at Thomas Falls sign entrance.