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Spiritual Life

At Longview Christian School we recognize that we can do nothing apart from Christ. While academics are always a top priority of a school, we are purposeful to keep spiritual life at the forefront of our efforts as well. Our goal is to provide training and instruction for the mind and the spirit of each of our students.

Bible classes - Our students have daily Bible classes that are designed to teach the Bible, church history, Christian worldview, and apologetics in a logical, age-appropriate progression.  While we use curriculum provided by ACSI and Positive Action for Christ, a large portion of our Bible class time is spent studying the Scriptures.

Prayer - Students pray daily together at the start of every day. Volunteer prayer groups of teachers, parents, and students meet several times a week to pray for LCS. At times during the school year, we host special prayer events open to all LCS families.

Chapel Services and Daily Devotions - Every Wednesday elementary students participate in a weekly chapel services. Students also begin each school day with a devotional time with their teacher and classmates.  Junior high and high school students have a devotional/chapel period three times a week.  These services feature staff and student-led worship and teaching, often by special guest speakers.

Discipleship Groups and Leadership Development - Our staff takes time to disciple students outside of regular school hours. We also provide opportunities for older students to mentor younger students, enhancing leadership skills.

Conferences, Retreats, and Seminars - Throughout the year we provide opportunities for students to attend various conferences and seminars to inspire them to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. At the start of each school year, the High School back-to-school retreat and the Junior High back-to-school retreat provide wonderful opportunities to start the year off right. The students draw closer to God and closer to one another during these events.

Outreach - The Spiritual Life department organizes many wonderful outreach opportunities for the students a various times during the school year. Through these events, the students learn the value of reaching out to others with the love of Christ.